Pão Fresco - Padaria & Pastelaria - Frescos - Produtos - Supermercado Apolónia
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Pão Fresco

Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
BiológicoPaleoVer mais
BiológicoPaleoSem GlútenVegan
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Pão Pachamama de Paleo Low Carb 300g
Pão Pachamama de Paleo Low Carb 300g 3,65 / un12,17 / kg1 un = 0.3kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Pão Centeio & Cereais 40g
Pão Centeio & Cereais 40g 0,47 / un11,75 / kg1 un = 0.04kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Pão Aveia & Flocos 50g
Pão Aveia & Flocos 50g 0,45 / un9,00 / kg1 un = 0.05kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Pão Mini Espelta Sementes 50g
Pão Mini Espelta Sementes 50g 0,79 / un15,80 / kg1 un = 0.05kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Pão Trigo Azeitonas Verdes 45g
Pão Trigo Azeitonas Verdes 45g 0,65 / un14,44 / kg1 un = 0.045kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
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Pão Trigo Espelta Sementes Bio 430g
Pão Trigo Espelta Sementes Bio 430g 5,85 / un13,60 / kg1 un = 0.43kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Pão Centeio Socalcos 500g
Pão Centeio Socalcos 500g 2,99 / un5,98 / kg1 un = 0.5kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Pão Trigo Chapata Azeitonas 400g
Pão Trigo Chapata Azeitonas 400g 2,99 / un7,48 / kg1 un = 0.4kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Baguete Solene Cereais Mini 50g
Baguete Solene Cereais Mini 50g 0,85 / un17,00 / kg1 un = 0.05kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Pão Trigo & Alfarroba 65g
Pão Trigo & Alfarroba 65g 0,45 / un6,92 / kg1 un = 0.065kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Pão Beterraba Bolo do Caco 120g
Pão Beterraba Bolo do Caco 120g 0,95 / un7,92 / kg1 un = 0.12kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Pão de Alho & Salsa 90g
Pão de Alho & Salsa 90g 0,57 / un6,33 / kg1 un = 0.09kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Pão Sementes Flor 180g
Pão Sementes Flor 180g 2,89 / un16,06 / kg1 un = 0.18kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Pão Lalos Centeio Limão 330g
Pão Lalos Centeio Limão 330g 2,59 / un7,85 / kg1 un = 0.33kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Meia Baguete Trigo Integral 113g
Meia Baguete Trigo Integral 113g 0,55 / un4,87 / kg1 un = 0.113kg