Roquefort - Queijos - Laticínios - Produtos - Supermercado Apolónia
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Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Queijo Galbani Gorgonzola 150g
Queijo Galbani Gorgonzola 150g 3,99 / un26,60 / kg1 un = 0.15kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Queijo Président Bleu d`Auvergne 100g
Queijo Président Bleu d`Auvergne 100g 2,19 / un21,90 / kg1 un = 0.1kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
BiológicoD.O.P. (Denominação de Origem Protegida)
0no carrinho
Queijo Roquefort Papillon Bio 100g
Queijo Roquefort Papillon Bio 100g 4,39 / un43,90 / kg1 un = 0.1kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Queijo Société Roquefort 100g
Queijo Société Roquefort 100g 3,69 / un36,90 / kg1 un = 0.1kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
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Garrafa Tescoma Bambini com Palhinha
Garrafa Tescoma Bambini com Palhinha 12,95 / un12,95 / un
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
D.O.P. (Denominação de Origem Protegida)
0no carrinho
Queijo Papillon Roquefort Rouge Cunha DOP 100g
Queijo Papillon Roquefort Rouge Cunha DOP 100g 3,59 / un35,90 / kg1 un = 0.1kg