Alperces, Tâmaras & Ameixas - Frutos Secos - Aperitivos & Snacks - Mercearia - Produtos - Supermercado Apolónia
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Alperces, Tâmaras & Ameixas

Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Alperce Seco Frutorra 200g
Alperce Seco Frutorra 200g 3,99 / un19,95 / kg1 un = 0.2kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Tâmara Medjoul Kg
Tâmara Medjoul Kg 1,35 / un26,99 / kg1 un = 0.05kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Ameixa Seca Frutorra sem Caroço 200g
Ameixa Seca Frutorra sem Caroço 200g 2,99 / un14,95 / kg1 un = 0.2kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
Sem Glúten
0no carrinho
Tâmaras Ferbar 200g
Tâmaras Ferbar 200g 2,19 / un10,95 / kg1 un = 0.2kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Tâmara Biofrade Bio 125g
Tâmara Biofrade Bio 125g 4,99 / un39,92 / kg1 un = 0.125kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Tâmaras Bio Medjool Secas Origens Bio 200g
Tâmaras Bio Medjool Secas Origens Bio 200g 6,25 / un31,25 / kg1 un = 0.2kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Alperces Cimarrom Secos 150g
Alperces Cimarrom Secos 150g 3,29 / un21,93 / kg1 un = 0.15kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
Sem Glúten
0no carrinho
Alperces Secos Ferbar 230g
Alperces Secos Ferbar 230g 4,99 / un21,70 / kg1 un = 0.23kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Ameixa Cimarrom sem Caroço 150g
Ameixa Cimarrom sem Caroço 150g 2,95 / un19,67 / kg1 un = 0.15kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Ameixa Seca Frutorra 200g
Ameixa Seca Frutorra 200g 2,75 / un13,75 / kg1 un = 0.2kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
Sem Glúten
0no carrinho
Ameixas Ferbar Secas 250g
Ameixas Ferbar Secas 250g 3,49 / un13,96 / kg1 un = 0.25kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Tamaras Cimarrom Secas 150g
Tamaras Cimarrom Secas 150g 2,59 / un17,27 / kg1 un = 0.15kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Tâmaras Frutorra 200g
Tâmaras Frutorra 200g 1,65 / un8,25 / kg1 un = 0.2kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
BiológicoKosherVer mais
0no carrinho
Ameixa Clearspring Umeboshi Biológico 200g
Ameixa Clearspring Umeboshi Biológico 200g 15,99 / un79,95 / kg1 un = 0.2kg
Created with sketchtool. Removido
Created with sketchtool. Adicionado
0no carrinho
Ameixas Elvas Convento Serra Em Calda 300g
Ameixas Elvas Convento Serra Em Calda 300g 8,99 / un29,97 / kg1 un = 0.3kg